Roof Maintenance By Phoenix Roofing Contractor
How Roof Maintenance Programs save money. Phoenix roofing maintenance programs are probably the most overlooked roofing solution. TRM Roofing offers The Total Roof Management maintenance and Repair program. TRM roofing is able to take the findings from a through digital roof inspection and develops an economical roof maintenance program that will save money on shingle or flat roofs.
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Roof Repair & Roof Maintenance Programs
New Roof Installation
Roofing Management by A Licensed Contractor
• Over 79% of all roofs are replaced prematurely.
• 75% of all roof failures are from improper installation.
• Roofing materials like asphalt, felt, shingles, modified bitumen roofing and foam have tripled in price in 3 years.
• Repairs, maintenance and restoration is thousands of dollars cheaper than roof replacement.
• Roof Maintenance Programs are tax deductible 100% the same year they are implemented.
• Most manufacturer’s warranties REQUIRE PLANNED ROOF MAINTENANCE for the warranty to remain valid.
• 29% of roof leaks are caused by heating and cooling systems.
• 25% of roof leaks are caused by skylights or louvers.
• Less than 1% of roof failure is caused by defective roofing materials; leaving poor roofing installation, severe weather, and lack of roofing maintenance the culprit.
Roof Cleaning
Roof leaks can also result in other expenses and legal exposures to your company that can be very costly. They can include: Mold and mildew problems, lost production equals lost revenue, poor air quality issues, tenant complaints and lawsuits, and the biggest, is the deterioration of your investment!
Just inspecting and cleaning your roof can go along way. Roof Cleaning is the first step in prolonging your roof’s life.
Roof Inspections
For more information or to schedule a roofing consultation and roof inspection in AZ call TRM Total Roof Management at 602-829-9484.