Shingle Roof Repair In Phoenix
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WAIT! Before you call a roofer… READ THIS!
Before you call just any Phoenix roofing contractor, get a complete digital graphic roof inspection report, from a certified roof inspector; know what condition your roof is in before making any roofing decision. Anyone can get three estimates for a full roof replacement, but having knowing what the condition of your shingle roof is actually in can give you options. If you have an older shingle roof, you should to call the team at TRM Roofing and learn how you can save your roof, save money and keep your investment safe. Remember this is absolutely FREE!

Phoenix Shingle Roofing
Commercial roof restoration in Phoenix, AZ. Asphalt shingle roof systems are the most commonly used roofing materials today, both in residential and multi-housing properties like apartments, four-plexes and duplexes in the Phoenix Metro area. Most asphalt shingles are made of fiberglass. Asphalt shingles have a high fire retardant rating because fiberglass is not combustible. Asphalt fiberglass shingles are available in 20-year and 25-year 3-tab (your most inexpensive), 30-year dimensional shingles and 50-year shingles.
Roof Repair In The Valley Of The Sun
Roof Shingle Repairs. The shingle roof system is made up of a moisture barrier felt like an ASTM 15#, 30#, even synthetic underlayment, ice and water shield around the eves, penetrations and valleys (depending on where you live) and of course your asphalt shingle.
Commercial Shingle Roof Systems
Advantages: Asphalt roof shingles continue looking good with little maintenance. Also, they can easily be repaired if they happen to become damaged. They are one of the easiest types of roofing material to install. A big advantage of asphalt roof shingles is their cost. They can efficiently be manufactured in high volumes, so are relatively inexpensive to produce. The installation cost of asphalt roof shingles is also relatively inexpensive compared to other materials.
Disadvantages: Asphalt shingles have a shorter functional life than other traditional materials as tiles, slate, etc. A functional life of 15-20 years for a good quality asphalt shingle seems to be logical. We have seen guarantees for 30 years or more, these are marketing exaggerations (other than a premium 50-year shingle) Asphalt shingles usually attract large amounts of heat, which are then radiated down-wards. Big amounts of heat influence shingles in a negative way, reducing their life span and increasing the need for roof shingle repair.
Shingle Roofing Contractor
It is always important to make sure to ask your contractor about roof venting. Not having the proper roof venting could void your manufacturer’s shingle warranty.
ALWAYS have your roof inspected by a certified roof inspector not a roofing sales person. Call 602-829-9484 for a written roof inspection complete with photos of your roof and possible solutions.